Schedule and Rosters
Please go to the TSSAA website for the most up to date schedule and rosters.
Meet the coaches
We Welcome Our New Wrestling Coach!
While he is working already with our wrestling student-athletes, we want to formally welcome our new wrestling coach David Sacks! David has been involved with wrestling for more than 35 years as a competitor, coach, official, and administrator, and he is thrilled to join the Hume-Fogg family. When he heard we were in need of a coach, he reached out immediately and we are so thankful.
"I've really enjoyed getting to know the great group of people on the team," David says. "Wrestling is an individual sport that also builds team camaraderie. It's one of the few ways we can use our minds and bodies in physical combat and get rewarded for it."
David wrestled at Stanford University, where he earned his Bachelor's degree in English and Master's in Education. He later earned his Ph.D. in Psychology at Florida State University. Outside of coaching, David works as a psychologist specializing in sport and performance-related issues.
Contact Coach Sacks.
And…Coach Sacks is now joined by our wrestling assistant coach, who is no stranger to Hume-Fogg!
Most of the team has met him by now, but we are pleased to introduce Mark Schoenfield as our official assistant wrestling coach. Mark has been affiliated with Hume-Fogg wrestling for many years and has a storied background and wealth of knowledge. Coach Sacks is personally glad that Coach Schoenfield is back in action in this role and knows that the team has already benefitted from his presence at practice.
Additionally, Coach Alesha Handy has joined our athletic team! Please see her in her classroom for any information needed.